So you wanna be staff here at habbolot? well you must meet the following:
Hotel Name:
Site Name:
Habbo Name:
Job Applying for?
Experience where?
Are you nice?
Are you kind?
Are you willing to help others?
Hotel Guides
Hotel X's
Radio Admins
Radio DJ's
last edited on 5/12/09 by: Jd252
Here is an example of the application you must send in! NOTE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COPY THIS IS YOU DO YOU WIL NOT GET ACCEPTED!
Hotel Name:Jd252
Site Name:Jd252
Habbo Name:Jd252
Experience: Y
Applying for: Owner
Experience: at
I am very nice
I am Very kind
I am willing to help tons of other people!
Send in you application to please wait 24 hours to recive a reply IF YOU DONT RECIVE A REPLY YOU PROBABLY DIDNT GET ACCEPTED SO PLS FEEL FREE TO APPLY AGIAN NEXT WEEK!
last edited on 5/12/09 by: Jd252